ISBN beginnend mit 9783847306
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783847306009: Sudip Chakraborty: Electronic Structures of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
- ISBN 9783847306016: Prashanti Emani: Students from India in a United States University
- ISBN 9783847306023: Esperanza Alfonso Alós: New quasi-TEM waveguides using artificial surfaces
- ISBN 9783847306030: Chen-Hui Chan: Design of a Dual-Ended Quasi Resonant Flyback Converter
- ISBN 9783847306047: Samina Masood: QED at Finite Temperature and Density
- ISBN 9783847306054: Changyong Zhang: Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Levy Processes
- ISBN 9783847306061: Mohammad Ali Kazerooni Sadi Arham Abdullah: Demolishing of Reinforced Concrete Chimney
- ISBN 9783847306085: Wilson Perez-Oviedo: Networks, Dictators and Underdevelopment
- ISBN 9783847306092: Rajendran Revathy Subbaraj Gowtham Kumar Kulanthaivel Langeswaran: Cadmium Toxicity-Impact on reproductivity
- ISBN 9783847306108: Saidou Baba Oumar: The Management of Water Resource in Cameroon
- ISBN 9783847306115: Shankar Singh: Abrasive Electrical Discharge Machining (AEDM)
- ISBN 9783847306122: Mohan Jacob: Non-Linear Surface Impedance of YBCO Superconductors
- ISBN 9783847306139: Mohd Faeez Saiful Bakhtiar: How Do Hotels' Environmental Strategies Impact Guests' Experiences
- ISBN 9783847306146: Mamilla Venkateshwarlu: Magnetostratigraphy of foot-hill Sedimentary Sequences of the Himalaya
- ISBN 9783847306153: Masood Ahmed: Death Euphemism
- ISBN 9783847306160: Jogues Abenawe: The Theology and Spirituality of the Symbols
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- ISBN 9783847306177: Anna Bogomazowa: Uspehi himii gem.-digalogenciklopropanow
- ISBN 9783847306184: Mary Sanda: Immune Response Of Broilers To Newcastle Disease Vaccination
- ISBN 9783847306191: Govind Narayan Purohit: Domestic Animal Obstetrics
- ISBN 9783847306207: Eko Purnomo: Rheology of Aging Suspensions
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- ISBN 9783847306221: Nikolaj Makeew: Zdorow'e i obraz zhizni sowremennogo podrostka
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- ISBN 9783847306269: Abebe K. Gonfa: Case System in Oromo
- ISBN 9783847306276: Selimcan Azizoglu: Theoretical & Experimental Investigation of Protein-Drug Interactions
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- ISBN 9783847306351: Frederick Mukungu: Strategies for Enhancing Information Literacy
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- ISBN 9783847306559: Bhanu Shrivastava: Infection & Infectious diseases
- ISBN 9783847306566: Mobasser Monem: National Identity Cards in Bangladesh
- ISBN 384730657X: Vladimir Maslqkow: Fiziologicheskoe obosnowanie wybora operacij pri trawme selezenke
- ISBN 9783847306573: Vladimir Maslqkow: Fiziologicheskoe obosnowanie wybora operacij pri trawme selezenke
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- ISBN 9783847306610: Rebecca Hudson: Mathematics with Technology in Teaching
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- ISBN 9783847306641: Anna Mezencewa: Ocenka predpriqtiq kak imuschestwennogo komplexa
- ISBN 9783847306665: Yu Zhu: Nonlinear Optimization of Chemical Processes
- ISBN 9783847306672: Marija Lebedina Manzoni: Peer Pressure in Adolescence
- ISBN 9783847306689: Galina Sidorowa: Sowetskaq hozqjstwennaq kul'tura powsednewnosti
- ISBN 9783847306696: Mubarak Abdelrahman: Investigation on T. evansi infection in Humans & Camels in Sudan
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- ISBN 9783847306733: D. K. Antala: Storage of Guava Fruit and Osmotic-Air Dehydrated Guava Powder
- ISBN 9783847306740: Alexander Nimo Wiredu: Cocoa Technology and Productivity
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- ISBN 9783847306771: Rajeev Vats: Eco-Genetic Investigation of Neural Tube Defects
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- ISBN 9783847306931: Jamie Albrecht: Muslim American Environmentalism - An Emerging Environmental Movement in America and Its Implications for Environmentalism and Muslims in America
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- ISBN 9783847306993: Mamun Kabir: Multi-Level Client Server Network and Its Performance Analysis