ISBN beginnend mit 9783847309
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783847309000: Gladys Khisa: Tobacco production and food security in Bungoma District, Kenya
- ISBN 9783847309017: Bhupendra Mishra: Autonomous System
- ISBN 3847309021: Alexandr Pyhalow: Metody integracii relqcionnyh baz dannyh w raspredelennyh setqh
- ISBN 9783847309024: Alexandr Pyhalow: Metody integracii relqcionnyh baz dannyh w raspredelennyh setqh
- ISBN 9783847309031: Suseela Mathew: Haematological and enzymatic alterations during white spot syndrome
- ISBN 9783847309048: Marisen Mwale: Adolescent Psychology
- ISBN 9783847309055: Deepti Singh: Oral Pacifiers
- ISBN 9783847309062: Reza Tahmoores Pour: Relationship between Dividend Yield and Stock Return
- ISBN 9783847309079: Sathish B.N. Kushalappa C.G. Vachana H.C.: Tree diversity in coffee plantations in different land tenure systems
- ISBN 9783847309086: Desmond Ndedzu: Food Shortages and the Transactions Demand for Money
- ISBN 3847309099: Swetlana Kushneruk: Precedentnye imena w rossijskoj i amerikanskoj reklame
- ISBN 9783847309093: Swetlana Kushneruk: Precedentnye imena w rossijskoj i amerikanskoj reklame
- ISBN 9783847309109: Hardy Chitate: Change and Innovation in Curriculum Enterprise
- ISBN 9783847309116: Dzhadidizm
- ISBN 3847309129: Larisa Buduk-ool: Jetnicheskie osobennosti adaptacii studentow k obucheniü
- ISBN 9783847309123: Larisa Buduk-ool: Jetnicheskie osobennosti adaptacii studentow k obucheniü
- ISBN 9783847309130: AKHILESH CHANDRA PRABHAKAR: Development Economics
- ISBN 9783847309147: Marie Thulesius: The Triple Bottom Line
- ISBN 9783847309154: Saad Nauman: Design of 3D composites and their structural health monitoring system
- ISBN 3847309161: Andrej Kol'cow: Uchastie inostrannyh lic w rossijskom arbitrazhnom processe
- ISBN 9783847309161: Andrej Kol'cow: Uchastie inostrannyh lic w rossijskom arbitrazhnom processe
- ISBN 9783847309178: Dela i dni generala V.F.Dzhunkowskogo
- ISBN 9783847309185: Dagnenet Sultan: GIS-based Irrigation Land Suitability Assessment and Mapping
- ISBN 9783847309192: Mouhcine El-hajjami: Man between Health and Sickness
- ISBN 9783847309208: Dornowanie glubokih otwerstij malogo diametra s bol'shimi natqgami
- ISBN 9783847309215: R Dayanandan: Management Functions and Organizational Behavior
- ISBN 9783847309222: Daisy Mwanza: Activity-Oriented Design Method (AODM)
- ISBN 9783847309239: Elena Kondrat'ewa: Tenewye processy: metodologiq i teoriq issledowaniq
- ISBN 9783847309246: Yasmin Haloui: Life in Revolution
- ISBN 9783847309253: John Lydon: The Contemporary Catholic Teacher
- ISBN 9783847309260: Henry Kinya: Public library System in Kenya:An Analytical study
- ISBN 9783847309277: Yordanos Seifu Estifanos: Population Change and Development Efforts in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783847309284: Proektirovanie Informatsionnoy Arkhitektury Web-Resursov Internet
- ISBN 9783847309291: Adrian McDonagh Oliver McGarr: The ICT Coordinator
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- ISBN 9783847309338: Asta Jakutyte-Sungailiene: Enterprise as an Object of Civil Rights
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- ISBN 9783847309345: Alexandr Alexandrow: Bogatstwo horosho, a schast'e luchshe
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- ISBN 9783847309352: Tat'qna Nikulina: Integraciq soderzhaniq obrazowatel'nyh programm
- ISBN 9783847309369: Paramalakshmi Devi: Foreign Institutional Investors(FII) and The Indian Stock Market
- ISBN 9783847309376: Prawo na trud i prawo na obrazowanie w sowremennoj Rossii
- ISBN 9783847309383: Lundänbazar Humbaan: Maloe i srednee predprinimatel'stwo w Mongolii
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- ISBN 9783847309437: Lokendra Singh: The Journey of Developing Biodigesters-Siachen Glacier to Lakshadweep
- ISBN 9783847309444: Shams Tabrez: Toxicity of Trichloroethylene (TCE) in the Natural Milieu
- ISBN 9783847309451: Satwat Bashir Abad Shah: Storage, Retrieval and Manipulation Techniques of Human Brain Data
- ISBN 9783847309468: Victoria Thomas: An Exploratory Investigation Into Chemical Management Pratices
- ISBN 3847309471: Natal'q Kudrewatyh: Opredelenie weroqtnosti bankrotstwa organizacii
- ISBN 9783847309475: Natal'q Kudrewatyh: Opredelenie weroqtnosti bankrotstwa organizacii
- ISBN 9783847309482: Mifologemy wodnogo mira w amerikanskoj naturfilosofskoj proze
- ISBN 9783847309499: Md. Nesawar Miah: Biology,Phytochemistry & In vitro propagation of C.macroptera(Satkara)
- ISBN 3847309501: K. M. Belikowa: Razwitie nauchnoj mysli w personaliqh
- ISBN 9783847309505: K. M. Belikowa: Razwitie nauchnoj mysli w personaliqh
- ISBN 9783847309512: Sergej Rümin: Problema sootnosheniq morali i prawa w filosofii I.A. Il'ina
- ISBN 9783847309529: Aver Tyavwase Theophilus: Assessment of the Performance of Police in Crime Control in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783847309536: Reuben Okereke: Socio-economic impact of a university campus development project
- ISBN 9783847309543: S. Annapoorani: Antitumor, In Silico Studies of Various Parts of Ficus racemosa
- ISBN 9783847309550: Irem Motan Faruk Gençoez: Self-conscious Emotions in Psychopathology
- ISBN 9783847309567: Elsayed Elamir: Generalization of L-moments
- ISBN 9783847309574: Arijit Mukherjee: Job-Grouping Based Scheduling Algorithm for Computational Grids
- ISBN 9783847309581: Jee Yoong Folk: Retirement Financial Planning by Malaysian Chinese
- ISBN 3847309595: Anatolij Shahow: Kinematograficheskie landshafty Egipta 1896-1931 gg.
- ISBN 9783847309604: Olubunmi Alo: Research for Beginners: Methods and Tools
- ISBN 9783847309611: Bulent Ozkan: Guidance and Control of Homing Missiles
- ISBN 9783847309635: Anurag Verma: Evaluation of Map matching Algorithms for Multi Scale Databases
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- ISBN 9783847309642: Anna Owechkina: Uprawlenie denezhnymi potokami dochernih kompanij
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- ISBN 9783847309659: N. Ju. Obwincewa: Mezhfaznyj massoperenos w uslowiqh estestwennoj konwekcii
- ISBN 9783847309666: Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan: Epidemiological Studies and Management of Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus
- ISBN 3847309676: Nadezhda Lazarewa: Process obrastaniq wodowodow mollüskom wida Dreissena polymorpha
- ISBN 3847309684: Anastasiq Burkowa: Inwesticionnyj banking w mirowoj äkonomike
- ISBN 9783847309680: Anastasiq Burkowa: Inwesticionnyj banking w mirowoj äkonomike
- ISBN 9783847309697: Antara Banerjee: Cyclic peptides and cyclic peptidomimetics as ion and drug carriers
- ISBN 9783847309703: Romany Mansour: Deformed Fingerprints
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- ISBN 9783847309710: Tat'qna Makarenko: Istoricheskij opyt social'noj podderzhki pozhilyh lüdej (k.XIX-n.XX ww.)
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- ISBN 9783847309734: Larry Brown: Link Between Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
- ISBN 9783847309741: Yujian Ye: GPS Controlled Autonomous Vehicle
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- ISBN 9783847309758: Irina Galuckih: Jewolüciq istoricheskogo qdra anglijskogo i nemeckogo qzykow
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- ISBN 9783847309840: Etsuko Katsumata: Priests and Priesthood in the Aramaic Targums to the Pentateuch
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- ISBN 9783847309925: Mohammad Nazmul Ahsan Kaneko Shinji: Does Organizational Capacity Matter for Climate Change Adaptation?
- ISBN 9783847309932: Manuj Mishra: Secure Routing In Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network
- ISBN 9783847309949: Nadeem Ahmed Sheikh: Numerical simulations of Flow induced vibrations in circular cylinders
- ISBN 9783847309956: Mehul Patel: Evaluation of adaptogenic activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra root
- ISBN 384730996X: Ol'ga Danil'chenko: Aktiwnost' uchastiq uchitelej w innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti
- ISBN 9783847309963: Ol'ga Danil'chenko: Aktiwnost' uchastiq uchitelej w innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti
- ISBN 9783847309970: Wasi Haider Butt: A survey of Sorting Algorithmics
- ISBN 9783847309987: Purna Prabhakar Nandamuri Viyyanna Rao Kodati: Management of Schools in India - A Functional Analysis
- ISBN 9783847309994: Nirmal Kumar Singh Ravi Prakash Dubey: Fixed Point Theorems in Topological Spaces with Application to Fratal