ISBN beginnend mit 9783847328
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783847328001: Tejas B Patel: Studies in Development of Fluid Bed Granulation Technology
- ISBN 3847328018: Nail' Salimow: Preduprezhdenie i razreshenie konfliktow w shkole
- ISBN 9783847328018: Nail' Salimow: Preduprezhdenie i razreshenie konfliktow w shkole
- ISBN 9783847328025: Solomon George Addai Jnr: Impacts of Ageing Tourists on Tourism Development
- ISBN 9783847328032: Anganile Willie Mwenifumbo: The impact of agro-biotechnology on the right to food in Africa
- ISBN 3847328042: Maxim Kirchanow: Ot atlantow k slawqnam
- ISBN 9783847328049: Maxim Kirchanow: Ot atlantow k slawqnam
- ISBN 9783847328056: Mostafa Abolfotouh: Essentials of School Health and Educational Medicine
- ISBN 9783847328063: Reinterpretaciq w sowremennom iskusstwe
- ISBN 9783847328070: Shomeek Mukhopadhyay: Dynamics of Driven Contact Lines
- ISBN 3847328085: Kirill Sklqrow: Vzaimodejstwie wentilqcionnyh i konwektiwnyh potokow
- ISBN 9783847328087: Kirill Sklqrow: Vzaimodejstwie wentilqcionnyh i konwektiwnyh potokow
- ISBN 9783847328100: Gilda Eslami: Tryparedoxin peroxidase from Leishmania major
- ISBN 9783847328117: Tayna Biogeomakromolekul Prirodnykh Sistem Biosfery
- ISBN 9783847328124: Ivonina, Lyudmila: Mal'boro: Zhizn' znamenitogo polkovodtsa i politika na fone ego epokhi
- ISBN 9783847328131: Christopher Craig: Past and Present Rites of Passage and their Effect on Self Esteem
- ISBN 384732814X: Nikolaj Serpokrylow: Jemissiq dioxida ugleroda w wodnom komplexe
- ISBN 9783847328148: Nikolaj Serpokrylow: Jemissiq dioxida ugleroda w wodnom komplexe
- ISBN 9783847328162: Garrett Keenaghan: Education for Construction Management
- ISBN 9783847328179: Monica Pocora: General aspects regarding the special seizure in Romanian legislation
- ISBN 3847328182: Alla Klewcowa: Osnowy razrabotki informacionnyh sistem w srede SUBD Visual FoxPro
- ISBN 9783847328186: Alla Klewcowa: Osnowy razrabotki informacionnyh sistem w srede SUBD Visual FoxPro
- ISBN 9783847328193: Akbar Nikkhah: Chronophysiology of nutrient assimilation in ruminants
- ISBN 9783847328209: Shelby Legel: Counseling Children of Incarcerated Parents
- ISBN 3847328212: Nikolaj Shimanowskij: Nanochasticy oxida zheleza:fizicheskie i farmakologicheskie swojstwa
- ISBN 9783847328216: Nikolaj Shimanowskij: Nanochasticy oxida zheleza:fizicheskie i farmakologicheskie swojstwa
- ISBN 9783847328223: Tamrat L. Fitamo: Microfinance Industry In Ethiopia: Outreach Performance
- ISBN 9783847328230: Simon Chinguwa: Cleaner Production in Evaluating Dust Generation and Reduction
- ISBN 9783847328247: Korkmaz, Alk¿n: Music and Machines
- ISBN 9783847328254: Greg Linsdell: The Emergence, Growth and Implications of Private Policing in Victoria
- ISBN 9783847328261: Shankar Chelliah: International Expansion Strategies of Malaysian Firms
- ISBN 9783847328278: Peng Liu: Study of electron transport in semiconductor nanodevices
- ISBN 9783847328285: Najeeb Aboobacker: Study Of Cardiac Manifestations In Thyroid Disorders
- ISBN 9783847328292: Narameth Nananukul: Optimization Techniques for Production and Distribution Supply Chain
- ISBN 9783847328308: Langsi Yao: Vector Control of Induction Motor Using MATLAB
- ISBN 9783847328315: José Inés Jiménez-Aquino Mauricio Romero-Bastida: Detection of weak signals in the decay of unstable states
- ISBN 9783847328339: Miroslav Kollar: Production Structure in the Context of International Trade
- ISBN 9783847328346: Organizaciya vysokotehnologichnoj pomoshhi pacientam s ZNOZ
- ISBN 9783847328353: Reddy S.R.K. Raju K.R.K.: Terrain Evaluation and Earthquake Response of Structures
- ISBN 9783847328377: Volontyerskoe Dvizhenie V Molodyezhnoy Srede
- ISBN 9783847328384: Shamin Dudu T S: In-vehicle Automotive Gateway ECU
- ISBN 9783847328391: H. Mahmadulloew: Seryj chugun obrabotannyj ligaturami, soderzhaschimi RZM i ShhZM
- ISBN 9783847328407: Poluprowodnikowye geterostruktury w sowremennoj optoaelektronike
- ISBN 9783847328421: Kashif Shahid: Detection of Heavy Metals from Compound Herbal Drugs
- ISBN 9783847328438: Arun Karnwal: Vermicompost: A Bio-Organic Fertilizer
- ISBN 9783847328445: Ramadhan, Shamsia Wanjiru: Religious Presence in Kenyan Politics, Culture and Civil Society
- ISBN 9783847328469: Bog Drewnej Rusi. Ot Ognq k Krestu.
- ISBN 9783847328476: Teoriq i praktika prirodosoobraznoj duhownoj pedagogiki
- ISBN 9783847328490: Nasrin Sultana: Water Scarcity and Slum Women s Challenges & Coping Strategies
- ISBN 9783847328506: Saradha Ramadas: Effect of Health Product on Selected Anaemic Adolescent Girls
- ISBN 9783847328513: Neamtu Adina Claudia Neamtu Liviu: University and Crisis
- ISBN 9783847328520: Rohallah Zamani Mosaabadi Mehdi Mohammadi Poorangi: The Role of Trust on Online-Banking Acceptance
- ISBN 9783847328537: Saumya Mathews: Acute Appendicitis
- ISBN 9783847328551: Muhammad Waqas: Strongylosis in Donkeys, Diagnosis and Treatment
- ISBN 9783847328568: Ibatsam Khokhar: Biosorption of Chromium by baker's yeast
- ISBN 9783847328575: Wondyrad Asmamaw: The Dynamics and Implications of Conflicts in Multi-ethnic Society
- ISBN 9783847328582: Chepchumba Chumo: Food Security Implications of Coco Yam Farming in Kenya
- ISBN 9783847328599: Oezge Ekin: Frege's Theory of Natural Numbers and Kantian Intuitions
- ISBN 3847328603: Sabah Hoosein: Teaching in a Multicultural Classrooms: Challenges and Rewards
- ISBN 9783847328605: Sabah Hoosein: Teaching in a Multicultural Classrooms: Challenges and Rewards
- ISBN 3847328611: Pawel Viktorowich Shishmarew: Komplexnyj termicheskij analiz
- ISBN 9783847328612: Pawel Viktorowich Shishmarew: Komplexnyj termicheskij analiz
- ISBN 9783847328629: Jehad Al-Jararha: Unbiased Ratio Estimation for Finite Populations
- ISBN 9783847328636: Patel, Chirag A.: Enhancement Solubility Poorly Water Soluble Drug
- ISBN 9783847328650: May Pang: Agency in Professional Development
- ISBN 3847328662: Tat'qna Telqtickaq: Administratiwnaq otwetstwennost' w Belarusi
- ISBN 9783847328667: Tat'qna Telqtickaq: Administratiwnaq otwetstwennost' w Belarusi
- ISBN 9783847328674: Rina Raichlin: Codeswitching of Russian-Hebrew Bilingual Children
- ISBN 9783847328681: Dipak K. Midya: The Ho: Ethnicity & Ritual Actions
- ISBN 9783847328698: Agnes Choi: Impact of CEPA on Developing Macau as a Major MICE Tourism Destination
- ISBN 9783847328704: Venkatarama Reddy, C. S.: Design, Architecture and Development of Digital Library
- ISBN 9783847328711: Kubi¿, Martin: Experimental study of the edge plasma of the Tore Supra tokamak
- ISBN 9783847328728: Amer Habib: Seed Health Management
- ISBN 9783847328735: K. A. M. Perera: Identifying, Analysing and Mapping of Environmentally Sensitive Areas
- ISBN 3847328743: Swetlana Shutemowa: Muzykoozdorowlenie
- ISBN 9783847328742: Swetlana Shutemowa: Muzykoozdorowlenie
- ISBN 9783847328759: Monoranjan Bhowmik: A Study on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Matrices
- ISBN 9783847328766: Jordi Verdú: Microwave/RF Filters based on Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators
- ISBN 9783847328773: Fazili, Khalid Majid: DNA Structure and Replication
- ISBN 9783847328780: Farida Abdullahi Hassan: Climate Change Adaptation
- ISBN 9783847328797: Nageswara Rao Muktinutalapati: 18 % Nickel Maraging Steels
- ISBN 3847328808: Ol'ga Kurilkina: Rossijskij federalizm w uslowiqh perehodnoj gosudarstwennosti
- ISBN 9783847328803: Ol'ga Kurilkina: Rossijskij federalizm w uslowiqh perehodnoj gosudarstwennosti
- ISBN 9783847328810: Tadesse Amera: The Role Of Voluntary Youth in HIV/AIDS Prevention
- ISBN 9783847328834: Mulatu Dea: An Assessment of Organizational Culture in Admas University College
- ISBN 9783847328841: Arash Moaddel Haghighi: Estimating Sealing Capacity of Cap Rocks
- ISBN 9783847328858: Srivastava, Sunil Kumar: Groundwater in Vicinity of Landfill
- ISBN 9783847328865: Globalistika I Ekologiiya Azerbaydzhana
- ISBN 9783847328872: Kefa Rabah: Mastering Open Source Mail Servers and ISPHost Deployment
- ISBN 3847328891: Anna Bezdudnaq: Metody formirowaniq chelowecheskogo kapitala
- ISBN 9783847328896: Anna Bezdudnaq: Metody formirowaniq chelowecheskogo kapitala
- ISBN 9783847328902: Adebayo Mary: Giant African Land Snails
- ISBN 9783847328919: Kea Leaph: Using Oral and Written Feedback to Improve Student Writing
- ISBN 9783847328933: Luciano Romero Mascarell: Peronism Or Peronism
- ISBN 9783847328940: Reza Javidan: Underwater Acoustic Image Processing
- ISBN 9783847328957: Udechukwu Ojiako: Project Failures in ICT and Construction Projects
- ISBN 9783847328964: Gebrehiwot, Tesfay Negash: Internal Control Systems
- ISBN 9783847328971: Suleiman Mwangi: Context-Based Learning Primary Teacher Education Model for Kenya / Towards Pedagogical Renewal In Africa / Suleiman Mwangi / Taschenbuch / Englisch / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
- ISBN 9783847328988: Patrick Maluki: Combating New Piracy in the Indian Ocean
- ISBN 9783847328995: Kunle Hamilton: Nollywood and the Challenge of Movie Subtitles