ISBN beginnend mit 9783848485
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783848485000: Antigona Hasani: Analgesic effects of systemic midazolam
- ISBN 9783848485017: Mahdi Sabaghi: Kanban Supply Chain Management
- ISBN 9783848485024: Khaled El- Zahar: Processed Blue Cheese Spreads
- ISBN 9783848485031: Chiara Consonni: Effective evaluation of academic digital libraries
- ISBN 9783848485048: Almagul' Kal'qskarowa: Mnogoletnie trawy na Sewere Kazahstana i ih ispol'zowanie
- ISBN 9783848485055: Lawal Mohammad Anka: Strategic Planning For Nigeria's Future
- ISBN 9783848485062: Formirovanie media-diskursivnoj kompetencii
- ISBN 3848485079: Swetlana Fedotkina: Smertnost' molodözhi w kontexte eö samosohranitel'nogo powedeniq
- ISBN 9783848485079: Swetlana Fedotkina: Smertnost' molodözhi w kontexte eö samosohranitel'nogo powedeniq
- ISBN 9783848485086: Urvish Munshi: Environmental Impact Assessment - A study of some important cases
- ISBN 9783848485093: Abro M. I. Pathan A. G.: Selective Flocculation of Complex Iron Ore
- ISBN 9783848485109: Zefarina Zulkafli: Preliminary Study of FLT3-ITD Mutation in Childhood Acute Leukemia
- ISBN 9783848485116: Felipe Zambaldi: Credit Granting to Small Firms in Brazil
- ISBN 9783848485123: Kontseptosfera Yazyka Sovremennogo Pedagoga. Filosofiya Voprosa
- ISBN 3848485133: Sergej Türin: Suschnost' konstitucionalizma
- ISBN 9783848485130: Sergej Türin: Suschnost' konstitucionalizma
- ISBN 9783848485147: Tariq Aziz: Islamic Banking and Finance
- ISBN 9783848485154: Md. Taslim Reza: Vignetting artifact reduction for Digital Camera Image
- ISBN 9783848485161: Thankavadivel Ramanan: Library Consortium
- ISBN 9783848485178: Ashisa Kumar Prusty: Dietary Hydrolysable Tannins
- ISBN 9783848485185: Samago, Tarekegn Yoseph: Biological Nitrogen Fixation and its Role in Food Security
- ISBN 9783848485192: Kylie Porritt: Qualitative research findings in evidenced based healthcare
- ISBN 9783848485208: Amit Verma: Solid Phase Syntheses and Characterization of 4-Thiazolidinones
- ISBN 9783848485215: Saleh Al-Oraibi: Al-Oraibi, S: Rehabilitation Services for Stroke Pateins
- ISBN 9783848485222: Kasireddi Sudharani: Impact of Vocational Training on Students
- ISBN 9783848485239: K.C.Deekshit Kompella Venu Gopala Rao Mannam Rammohan P.: ZVT Based Resonant Converter
- ISBN 9783848485246: Seema Gramopadhye: Cyclic Pure Submodules
- ISBN 9783848485253: Byamugisha Georoson Wilson: Economics for development
- ISBN 9783848485260: Daniel Bekele: Water Saving Furrow Irrigation Technology
- ISBN 9783848485277: Antony Munene Kamakia: Impact of Liberalization of Coffee SubSector on Human Welfare in Kenya
- ISBN 9783848485284: Evolyutsiya Programm Kombinirovannogo Lecheniya Limfomy Khodzhkina
- ISBN 9783848485291: Alpesh D. Patel Girish Patel Natvarlal Patel: Fast Release Rabeprazole Sodium Tablet Using Acid-buffer Technology
- ISBN 9783848485307: Parthsarthi Pandya: Water Management Study in Summer Sesame Crop
- ISBN 9783848485314: Audrey Madonna D'Cruz: Oral Health Promotion in Adolescents
- ISBN 9783848485321: Sachin Jadhav: Benign Enlargement of Prostate Gland (BEP)in Ayurveda
- ISBN 9783848485338: Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Model Gazogidrotermal noy Sistemy Vulkana Ebeko
- ISBN 9783848485345: Sheetal Korde: Hybrid or combined odontogenic tumors
- ISBN 9783848485352: Mithlesh Kumar: Diversity Analysis in Soybean for Water Use Efficiency
- ISBN 9783848485369: Zamira Derbishewa: Lingwokul'turnye koncepty w kognitiwnom wospriqtii
- ISBN 9783848485376: Rambabu Garlapati: Interoperability In Healthcare
- ISBN 9783848485383: Podgotovka Konkurentosposobnykh Spetsialistov
- ISBN 9783848485390: Mohammadreza Mohammadabadi: Characterization of Genetic structure using ISSR-PCR markers
- ISBN 9783848485406: Džanin Uzunovic: The forbidden marketing
- ISBN 9783848485413: Tehnologiq proizwodstwa cel'noformowannoj obuwi
- ISBN 9783848485420: Priyanka Sharma: Computer Maintenance & Peripherals
- ISBN 9783848485437: Yadvendra Dubey: Discrete Quartic and Quintic Spline Interpolation
- ISBN 9783848485444: Arun Karnwal: Comparative analysis of mesophilic and thermophilic amylases
- ISBN 9783848485451: Kavita Bhatnagar: Job Satisfaction among Medical Teachers
- ISBN 9783848485468: Nauchnye Osnovy Protsessa Karbonizatsii Neftyanykh Ostatkov
- ISBN 9783848485475: Elena Georgiewna Churina: Regulqtornye T-kletki
- ISBN 9783848485482: Clare Muhuha: Longterm Effects Of Child Sexual Abuse
- ISBN 9783848485499: Sujeet Kumar Shukla Prashant Shukla Pradymna Ghosh: Numerical Investigation of cyclones for agro-processing industry
- ISBN 9783848485505: Angliyskiy Gibridizm. Proizvodnye Gibridy
- ISBN 9783848485512: A. Alshennawy, Abdallah: Fundamentals of Theory of Machines
- ISBN 9783848485529: Surendra Rahamatkar: A Light Weight Time Synchronization Approach in Sensor Network
- ISBN 9783848485536: Ayodele Onigbinde: Pharmacology
- ISBN 9783848485543: Natarajan Kumar: Values, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction
- ISBN 9783848485550: Sloistye Elektrokontaktnye Materialy Na Osnove Medi, Khroma I Vol frama
- ISBN 9783848485567: Atul Mehrotra: Corporate Governance and Financial System
- ISBN 9783848485574: Prachi Pawar: RP-HPLC Method: A Simultaneous Estimation
- ISBN 9783848485581: Katharina Leinius: An Imbalance between Security and Liberty?
- ISBN 9783848485598: Oxana Pashkewich: Vzaimoswqz' penitenciarnogo stressa i adaptacionnyh sposobnostej
- ISBN 9783848485604: Serkan Kiranyaz: Content-Based Management of Multimedia Databases
- ISBN 9783848485611: Mohammad Sohel Rana: Product Reward Discounting
- ISBN 9783848485628: Ngonzo Luwesi, Cush: Warming and Greening
- ISBN 9783848485635: Bizaoui Assias, Nathalie: Washback: High Stakes Tests and Teachers' Professional Development
- ISBN 9783848485642: Imtiaz Khan: Non-conventional methods for sugarcane improvement
- ISBN 9783848485659: D. Chuks Prolific Okonkwo: Rescue the perishing
- ISBN 9783848485666: Abby Basbagill: Implementing Visual Phonics With At-Risk Learners
- ISBN 3848485672: Sergej Chirun: Grazhdanskoe obschestwo rossijskoj periferii na primere Kuzbassa
- ISBN 9783848485673: Sergej Chirun: Grazhdanskoe obschestwo rossijskoj periferii na primere Kuzbassa
- ISBN 9783848485680: Florian Marcel Nuta: Environmental Responsibility and Global Performance Accounting
- ISBN 9783848485697: Opticheskie Metody Shirokopolosnoy Obrabotki Informatsii
- ISBN 9783848485703: Allan Degreef: Hotel Investments & Developments
- ISBN 9783848485710: Fauzan Ansari: Natural Gas Hydrates and Damage to the Hydrocarbon Production
- ISBN 9783848485727: Willie Willie: Second Language Acquisition of Tense and Aspect
- ISBN 9783848485734: Bijay Shrestha: Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) over WiMAX
- ISBN 9783848485741: Institutsional naya Transformatsiya Sistemy Zdravookhraneniya V Rossii
- ISBN 9783848485758: Dana Reisboard: Comprehension Strategies Explicated in Social Studies Textbooks
- ISBN 9783848485765: sarat kumar doley: From Siang to Brahmaputra: The Misings of North East India
- ISBN 9783848485772: Dvoryanskaya Usad ba Uglichsko-Myshkinskogo Verkhnevolzh ya
- ISBN 9783848485789: Alam, Md. Kowsar: Procedure and Analysis for Radiological Studies: On Gamma Radiation
- ISBN 9783848485796: Kliniko-Geneticheskie Prediktory Bronkhial noy Astmy I Khobl
- ISBN 9783848485802: Awad, A. A.: Technology of Cereal-rich Probiotic Dairy Beverage
- ISBN 9783848485819: Monika Malisauskaite: Consumers right to withdraw from online contracts
- ISBN 9783848485826: Tanushyam Chattopadhyay: Value Added Services for Connected TV
- ISBN 9783848485833: Yazykovaya Lichnost Bilingvov V Inoetnichnom Okruzhenii
- ISBN 9783848485840: Ebtisam Elghblawi: Critical analysis of pain and the use of pain relieving drugs in women
- ISBN 9783848485857: Asress, Dereje Teshome: Optimization of microbial process for efficient wastewater management
- ISBN 9783848485864: Hardeep Singh: Marketing Strategies of Retail
- ISBN 9783848485871: Khairulanuar Samsudin: The Impact of Spatial Ability Training and Its Transfer
- ISBN 9783848485888: Assan Biruli: Evaluating Responses to Change by Christian Leaders
- ISBN 9783848485895: Uwakwe Chukwu: Assessment of the Impact of V2G on Distribution System
- ISBN 3848485907: Jurij Nagornow: Samoorganizaciq nanokristallow w karbonizirowannom poristom kremnii
- ISBN 9783848485901: Jurij Nagornow: Samoorganizaciq nanokristallow w karbonizirowannom poristom kremnii
- ISBN 9783848485918: Anne Kanga: Gender violence & strategies of resilience among girls in Kenya
- ISBN 9783848485925: Natal'q Grebennikowa: Studencheskaq pressa SShA kak obrazowatel'nyj i tipologicheskij fenomen
- ISBN 9783848485932: Suchismita Raha: Genomics-based approach to develop submergence tolerance in rice
- ISBN 9783848485949: Cipriana Sava: Tourism and the Mineral and Thermo Mineral Waters of the Timi County
- ISBN 9783848485956: Diana Babayan: South Caucasus: Ambiguity-in-use
- ISBN 9783848485963: Eduardo Tortorella: Seismic upgrade of historical monuments
- ISBN 9783848485970: Inzhenernyy marketing
- ISBN 9783848485987: Laudia Ogunniyi: Strategies for Adapting to Climate Change by Livestock Farmers
- ISBN 9783848485994: Maninder Singh: Celebrity endorsement and purchase decisions in India