ISBN beginnend mit 9783848499
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783848499007: Velmourougan Suburayan: Software reliability determination model
- ISBN 9783848499014: Ayyaswamy Kathirvel: Prevention of attacks usign umpiring security model for manets
- ISBN 3848499029: Sergej Anatol'ewich Yaremenko: Powyshenie äffektiwnosti glushitelej shuma sistem wentilqcii
- ISBN 9783848499038: Deepak Gupta: Bicriteria Flow Shop Scheduling Models
- ISBN 9783848499045: Ashna Kalra: Relevance of an all women social networking website
- ISBN 9783848499052: Langeswaran Kulanthaivel: Limonin against Hepatocellular carcinoma
- ISBN 9783848499069: Fotodinamicheskaya Terapiya Opukholey Golovnogo Mozga Krys
- ISBN 9783848499076: Jihad AlSadah: Ultrasound Angular Scatter Imaging And Sound Speed Determination
- ISBN 9783848499083: Shivraj Dhaka: Thermal Comfort Conditions and Energy Efficiency of Buildings
- ISBN 9783848499090: Irena Jindrichovska: Transformation of Czech Financial and Capital Market
- ISBN 9783848499106: Sylvia Opiyo: Sweetpotato virus detection protocol and microbial infections control
- ISBN 9783848499113: Seyi Osunade: Java-Based Mobile Agent Systems
- ISBN 9783848499120: Kiplagat Chelelgo: Cold-Emulsion Recycled Asphalts
- ISBN 9783848499137: Podzemnaya Razrabotka Malomasshtabnykh Mestorozhdeniy
- ISBN 9783848499144: Channamallikarjuna Mattihalli: Basic Electronics
- ISBN 9783848499151: Neyrosetevye tekhnologii v komp yuternoy diagnostike EMS
- ISBN 9783848499168: Ali Jahangard: Textbook Evaluation
- ISBN 9783848499175: Chandra Kant Dhakal: Basic Mathematical Economics
- ISBN 9783848499182: Kamal Farooqui: Temperate Fruit Production
- ISBN 3848499193: Zhanna Rupasowa: Vereskowye w uslowiqh Belarusi
- ISBN 9783848499199: Zhanna Rupasowa: Vereskowye w uslowiqh Belarusi
- ISBN 9783848499205: Tarak Jayraj Mehta DR.Natvarlal M. Patel DR.Mukesh R. Patel: Innovatioon 5-Fluoruracil SR Tablets for Colon Cancer Treatment
- ISBN 9783848499212: Vishakha Bansal: Economic Empowerment of Farm Women Through Agro-Based Enterprises
- ISBN 9783848499229: Amit Kumar Singh: IAEA and Cooperation in Nuclear Technology
- ISBN 9783848499236: Shujaat Ali Khan Tanoli: Performance Analysis of BICM-ID Based Cooperative Network
- ISBN 9783848499243: Damola Akinlana: Modeling Nigeria Banks Share Price Using Smooth Transition GARCH Model
- ISBN 9783848499250: Titus Gathiira: Effectiveness in recruitment and selection of teachers
- ISBN 9783848499267: Imya v Yaponii
- ISBN 9783848499274: Muhammad Zaheer Khan Erum Zehra Shah Afsheen Zehra: Effect of cypermethrin on frog
- ISBN 9783848499281: Gebremedhin Kiros: Resources Flow and Nutrients Balance Analysis
- ISBN 9783848499298: Sandhya Cherkil: Stress, Coping, and Wellbeing of the Women Spouses of Mentally Ill
- ISBN 9783848499304: Woleola Julius Ekundayo: The Effects of Rewards System on Job Performance
- ISBN 9783848499328: Manoj Kumar Chourasia Tridib Kumar Goswami: CFD Modeling for Heat and Mass Transfer on Potato in Cold Store
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- ISBN 9783848499342: Fasiha Qurashi: Molecular characterizations of Begomoviruses Isolated from a weed
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- ISBN 9783848499397: Mdunana, Nomsa Iris: Educators'challenges in compiling assessment portfolios for learners
- ISBN 9783848499403: Liliana Eva Donath: Redistributive effects of taxation
- ISBN 9783848499410: Anvi Vaghela: Recruitment and Selection
- ISBN 9783848499427: Shaukat Iqbal: Preparation and evaluation of malt, from different Barley varieties
- ISBN 9783848499434: Flora Augusta Pufaa Richard Ofori: Academic Performance of Pupils from Fishing & Nonfishing Homes,Winneba
- ISBN 9783848499441: Gosudarstvennoe Administrirovanie
- ISBN 9783848499458: Biplab Mitra: Soil fertility & straw mulching in rainfed upland farming
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- ISBN 9783848499526: Nasir Ali: Mutational Analysis of p53 gene and dietary risk factors
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- ISBN 9783848499540: Mario Ricardo Baatjes: Insulating municipal administration from instability
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- ISBN 9783848499595: Abid Hussain: Formosan Subterranean Termites: Understanding the Defense Mechanism
- ISBN 9783848499601: Buwule Stalone, Robert: Manage Finance & Administrative Records
- ISBN 3848499614: Vera Bal': Motiw "zhiwogo portreta" w powesti N.V.Gogolq "Portret"
- ISBN 9783848499618: Vera Bal': Motiw "zhiwogo portreta" w powesti N.V.Gogolq "Portret"
- ISBN 9783848499625: Christian Onyeji: Research-composition
- ISBN 9783848499632: Perspektivnyy Analiz I Formirovanie Finansovoy Strategii Predpriyatiya
- ISBN 9783848499649: Upravlenie Konfiguratsiey I Tekhnicheskiy Uchet V Telekommunikatsiyakh
- ISBN 9783848499656: Nikolay L. Kamzin Elizabeth L. Kamzina: Writ as a simplified form of civil procedure
- ISBN 9783848499663: Khalid Aram: Economic Feasibility Study of Mushroom Production
- ISBN 9783848499670: R., Ramasubbu: Conservation studies on some RET medicinal Plants
- ISBN 9783848499687: Kalyan raj Kaniganti Linga Reddy Kiran Kumar, Vinay: Voltage control of self excited induction generator
- ISBN 9783848499694: Luqman Satti: Comparison Between MGIT 960 and Bactec 460 TB system
- ISBN 9783848499700: Hesbon Nyagowa: Evaluation of NEPAD's Pilot E-Schools in Kenya
- ISBN 9783848499717: Mohammed Faizullah Sharieff: Industrial Automation
- ISBN 9783848499724: Saptadeepa Roy: Environmental Endocrine Disruptors (A Review)
- ISBN 9783848499731: Linda Mezule: Significance of nonculturable Escherichia coli in drinking water
- ISBN 9783848499748: Yaqub, Shelly Saima: Resilience to Climate Change at Taunsa Barrage, Pakistan
- ISBN 9783848499755: Sarwan Kumar: Distribution of Rural Household Assets and Resultant Pattern
- ISBN 9783848499762: Szymon Rutkowski: Machine Translation evaluation
- ISBN 9783848499779: Mowdudur Rahman Dewan Riasad Amin Navid Bin Sakhawat: Ensuring Energy Security
- ISBN 9783848499786: Richa Dhariwal: Oral Cancer Genomics
- ISBN 9783848499793: Vipin Kumar: Studies on optical properties of photonic band gap materials
- ISBN 9783848499809: Deepti Dhingra: Traumatic Injuries of permanent teeth and their management
- ISBN 9783848499816: Amirul Islam: Motivational Strategy for Distance Education Teachers
- ISBN 9783848499823: Samson Mutsagondo: The ideal registry
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- ISBN 9783848499847: Atanu Ghosh: Why Use of Traditional Methods of Contraceptive is high in West Bengal
- ISBN 9783848499854: Manuel Madrigal: Modelling of Power Electronics Controllers for Harmonic Analysis
- ISBN 9783848499861: Serine Poghosyan: An Examination of the Content Validity of a High-Stakes English Test
- ISBN 9783848499878: Aaron S. Dishno: University Student Housing Application & Roommate Matching Methodology
- ISBN 9783848499885: Russkaya Ideya I Sovremennost
- ISBN 9783848499892: Suresh Padala: Quality Control of Ceramic Tiles Using Image Processing
- ISBN 9783848499915: Simon Nganga: The Tone Structure of Selected Lubukusu Verbs and Nouns
- ISBN 9783848499922: Tamrat Daddi: The Impact of Governance on FDI In Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783848499939: Shamanti Chakraborty: A Comparative Study In Two Different Service Organisation
- ISBN 9783848499946: Alaa H. Al-Charrakh Jawad K. Al-Khafaji Rana H. Al-Rubaye: Group C and group G Streptococci
- ISBN 9783848499953: Alexandr Ferstqew: Suschnost' walentnosti imeni prilagatel'nogo w nemeckom i russkom qzykah
- ISBN 9783848499960: Jonathan Mugenyi: Cultural Festivals and Events: Engines of Growth and Development
- ISBN 9783848499977: Al-Kazafy Sabry: Resistance of the pink bollworm to Bacillus thuringiensis
- ISBN 9783848499984: Kisena Magena Mabuba: Adult Education And Biodiversity Conservation
- ISBN 9783848499991: Stikhotvornoe Poslanie V Russkoy Lirike