ISBN beginnend mit 9783849513
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3849513009: Jack London: The Sea Wolf
- ISBN 9783849513009: Jack London: The Sea Wolf
- ISBN 9783849513016: Morrow, Honoré: Lydia of the Pines | Honoré Morrow | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 320 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513016
- ISBN 9783849513023: Smith, G. Elliot: The Evolution of the Dragon
- ISBN 9783849513030: Dunn, Joseph A.: Rimrock Trail
- ISBN 9783849513047: Coke, Henry J.: Tracks of a Rolling Stone
- ISBN 9783849513054: Wharton, Edith: Tales of Men and Ghosts
- ISBN 3849513068: J. Arthur Gibbs: A Cotswold Village
- ISBN 9783849513061: J. Arthur Gibbs: A Cotswold Village
- ISBN 9783849513078: Morrow, Honoré: Still Jim
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- ISBN 9783849513085: Edric Holmes: Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
- ISBN 9783849513092: Hale, Beatrice Forbes-Robertson: The Nest Builder
- ISBN 9783849513108: Arnold, Gertrude Weld: A Mother s List of Books for Children
- ISBN 9783849513115: Sieveking, Giberne: Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
- ISBN 9783849513122: Greene, Homer: Burnham Breaker
- ISBN 9783849513139: Henry David Thoreau: A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
- ISBN 9783849513146: Cameron, H. Lovett: Vera Nevill Or, Poor Wisdom's Chance | H. Lovett Cameron | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 336 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513146
- ISBN 9783849513153: Cyril G. (Cyril George) Hopkins: The Story of the Soil from the Basis of Absolute Science and Real Life
- ISBN 9783849513160: Meredith, George: Poems - Volume 2
- ISBN 9783849513177: Comstock, Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa): The Shield of Silence | Harriet T. Comstock | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 320 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513177
- ISBN 9783849513184: Grace Christie: Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
- ISBN 9783849513191: Leblanc, Georgette: The Choice of Life
- ISBN 9783849513207: Hunter, C. L.: Sketches of Western North Carolina, Historical and Biographical
- ISBN 9783849513214: Isabella L. (Isabella Lucy) Bird: Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
- ISBN 9783849513221: Yule, J. C.: Poems of the Heart and Home
- ISBN 9783849513238: Fullerton, George Stuart: An Introduction to Philosophy | George Stuart Fullerton | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 324 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513238
- ISBN 9783849513245: Savory, Isabel: In the Tail of the Peacock
- ISBN 9783849513252: Gough, George W.: The Yeoman Adventurer
- ISBN 9783849513269: Panting, James Harwood: The Hero of Garside School
- ISBN 9783849513276: J. M. (Jean Mary) Stone: Studies from Court and Cloister: being essays, historical and literary dealing mainly with subjects relating to the XVIth and XVIIth centuries
- ISBN 9783849513283: Hugh Macmillan: Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
- ISBN 9783849513290: Bird, Isabella L.: The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
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- ISBN 9783849513313: Homer: The Iliad
- ISBN 9783849513320: Walpole, Hugh: The Secret City | Hugh Walpole | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 352 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513320
- ISBN 9783849513337: Grace Dunlop Peter: A Portrait of Old George Town
- ISBN 9783849513344: Rumford, Benjamin Graf von: Essays Political, Economical, and Philosophical - Volume 1
- ISBN 9783849513351: Garland, Hamlin: They of the High Trails
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- ISBN 9783849513382: Henry Mann: The Land We Live In The Story of Our Country
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- ISBN 9783849513405: Elizabeth: The Benefactress
- ISBN 3849513416: J. G. H. Barry: Our Lady Saint Mary
- ISBN 9783849513412: J. G. H. Barry: Our Lady Saint Mary
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- ISBN 9783849513436: Rowe, Henry Kalloch: Society Its Origin and Development
- ISBN 3849513440: Isabella Graham: The Power of Faith Exemplified In The Life And Writings Of The Late Mrs. Isabella Graham.
- ISBN 9783849513443: Isabella Graham: The Power of Faith Exemplified In The Life And Writings Of The Late Mrs. Isabella Graham.
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- ISBN 9783849513498: George Rawlinson: The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 5. (of 7): Persia The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire With Maps and Illustrations.
- ISBN 9783849513504: Blore, George Henry: Victorian Worthies Sixteen Biographies | George Henry Blore | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 340 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513504
- ISBN 9783849513511: Homer: The Odyssey Done into English prose
- ISBN 9783849513528: Stevens, George T.: Three Years in the Sixth Corps A Concise Narrative of Events in the Army of the Potomac, from 1861 to the Close of the Rebellion, April, 1865 | George T. Stevens | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 388 S.
- ISBN 9783849513535: Jacob Burckhardt: The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy
- ISBN 3849513548: Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron, Volume I
- ISBN 9783849513542: Giovanni Boccaccio: The Decameron, Volume I
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- ISBN 9783849513559: Grace Helen Kent: A Study of Association in Insanity
- ISBN 9783849513566: Ignatius Donnelly: Atlantis : the antediluvian world
- ISBN 3849513572: Henri Frédéric Amiel: Amiel's Journal
- ISBN 9783849513573: Henri Frédéric Amiel: Amiel's Journal
- ISBN 9783849513580: Cherry, J. L.: Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet" | J. L. Cherry | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 388 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513580
- ISBN 3849513599: Henry F. (Henry Francis) Keenan: The Iron Game A Tale of the War
- ISBN 9783849513597: Henry F. (Henry Francis) Keenan: The Iron Game A Tale of the War
- ISBN 9783849513603: Moore, Gay Montague: Seaport in Virginia George Washington's Alexandria
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- ISBN 9783849513634: Squareman, Clarence: My Book of Indoor Games
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- ISBN 9783849513849: Jacob Dolson Cox: Military Reminiscences of the Civil War, Volume 1 April 1861-November 1863
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- ISBN 9783849513986: Dean C. Worcester: The Philippines: Past and Present (Volume 1 of 2)
- ISBN 9783849513993: Hart, George: The Violin Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators | George Hart | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 452 S. | Englisch | 2013 | TREDITION CLASSICS | EAN 9783849513993