ISBN beginnend mit 9783910052
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3910052002: Calender Design Editing Project: Best Calendars of the Year. Volume 1. The latest Trends in Calendar Graphics [Calendars for the Year 1991]
- ISBN 3910052010: Business stationery graphics
- ISBN 9783910052017: Business stationery graphics
- ISBN 3910052037: Lisa Walker, Steve Blount: Letterhead & logo designs - creating the corporate image
- ISBN 3910052045: Takamura, Zeshu: Fashion Illustrations
- ISBN 3910052053: Hasegawa, Sumiwo und Shigeji Kobayashi: Japan's Trademarks and Logotypes in Full Color, Pt.4
- ISBN 3910052061: Kuwayama, Yasaburo: Europäische Markenzeichen = european trademarks. Trademarks & symbols of the world / by Yasaburo Kuwayama ; 4
- ISBN 3910052088: Tōru Hachiga: Corporate image design - worldwide campaigns
- ISBN 3910052096: Hideo Saitoh: Cafes and Restaurants – Engl. /Dt. /Jap.
- ISBN 3910052126: Calendar Graphics
- ISBN 3910052134: Meisei: Best Calendars of the Year, Vol.2: The Latest Trends in Calendar Graphics.
- ISBN 3910052142: Richard Emery: The Creative Stroke – Communicating with Brush and Pen in Graphic Design
- ISBN 3910052150: Letterhead & logo designs: Letterhead & logo designs
- ISBN 3910052169: Supon Design Group. Hrsg. in Zus.-Arb. mit Madison Sqare Press, New York: Great Design Using 1,2,3 Colors
- ISBN 3910052207: Supon Phornirunlit: Successful Logos Worldwide
- ISBN 3910052215: Supon Phornirunlit: Design in progress - what happens behind the scenes
- ISBN 3910052223: Baker, Eric and etc.: Biz Cards: Dynamic Graphic Design (Graphic Details)
- ISBN 9783910052222: Baker, Eric and etc.: Biz Cards: Dynamic Graphic Design (Graphic Details)
- ISBN 391005224X: Special Event Graphics: Designing for Seminars, Festivals. Fund-Raisers, Exhibitions and Other Special Events
- ISBN 3910052258: Packaging Design & Graphics. An International Collection of Packaging Graphic Design
- ISBN 3910052266: Retail Identity Graphics: Designing for Shops, Restaurants and Special Services. A comprehensive reference to corporate identity programs for retailers
- ISBN 3910052282: Logotypes and Pictograms (v. 2) (International Corporate Design) Kuwayama, Yasaburo: Logotypes and Pictograms (v. 2) (International Corporate Design) Kuwayama, Yasaburo
- ISBN 9783910052284: Logotypes and Pictograms (v. 2) (International Corporate Design) Kuwayama, Yasaburo: Logotypes and Pictograms (v. 2) (International Corporate Design) Kuwayama, Yasaburo
- ISBN 3910052304: Supon Design Group. Hrsg. in Zus.-Arb. mit Nippan Publications Nippon Shuppan Hanbai USA Inc., Los Angeles: Graphically Bold: Non-Traditional Corporate Design. Powerful and dramatic images with simple shape and line
- ISBN 3910052320: New Typo Graphics
- ISBN 9783910052321: New Typo Graphics
- ISBN 3910052339: Hirata, Tsutomu: 3-D graphics.
- ISBN 9783910052338: Hirata, Tsutomu: 3-D graphics.
- ISBN 3910052347: Gerry Rosentswieg: The New Logo From California
- ISBN 3910052355: Supon Design Group: Computer Generation. How Designers View Today's Technology
- ISBN 3910052363: Abe, Kazuo, Tsutomu Hirata Ayako (Hrs.) Aoyama a. o.: 1, 2 & 3 Color Graphics.
- ISBN 3910052398: Aoyama, Ayako (Hg.): Fashion & Cosmetic Graphics. A Design Extravaganza of World-Famous Brands.
- ISBN 3910052401: Toshima, Ku Kamogame: SPORTS GRAPHICS. A Sampling of the World's Best Sportswears, Shoes and Other Sports Equipment
- ISBN 9783910052406: Toshima, Ku Kamogame: SPORTS GRAPHICS. A Sampling of the World's Best Sportswears, Shoes and Other Sports Equipment
- ISBN 391005241X: Blount, Steve /Walker, Lisa: Letterhead & Logo Design. Creating the Corporate Image.
- ISBN 9783910052413: Blount, Steve /Walker, Lisa: Letterhead & Logo Design. Creating the Corporate Image.
- ISBN 3910052428: Rosentswieg, Gerry: New American Logo
- ISBN 3910052436: Sensual Images. Dreisprachig: Deutsch / Englisch / Chinesisch.
- ISBN 3910052452: Emery, Richard: The Creative Stroke, Vol.2: Communication with Brush and Pen in Graphic Design (Divers) Communicating with Brush and Pen in Graphic Design
- ISBN 3910052479: Blount, Steve; Walker, Lisa: Letterhead & Logo Design 2.
- ISBN 3910052517: Heller, Steven; Anderson, Gail: Typeplay. Designed by Alexander Isley Design. [2nd printing]
- ISBN 9783910052512: Heller, Steven; Anderson, Gail: Typeplay. Designed by Alexander Isley Design. [2nd printing]
- ISBN 3910052525: Phornirunlit, Supon (Hrsg.): More Great Design Using 1, 2 & 3 Colors. Supon Design Group.
- ISBN 3910052533: Corporate Profile Graphics
- ISBN 9783910052536: Corporate Profile Graphics
- ISBN 9783910052550: Hays, Judi Radice/National Restaurant Association (Hrsg.): Restaurant & (and) Food Graphics
- ISBN 3910052584: Business Publication Graphics. PR Brochures, Magazines & in-House Newsletters.
- ISBN 3910052614: Walton, Roger [Hrsg.]: The art of typography from digital to dyeline
- ISBN 3910052630: Japanische Gartengestaltung
- ISBN 3910052665: Supon Design Group: Design Direction. A roadmap to great graphic solutions.
- ISBN 3910052673: Steven Heller, Elenor Petter: The Art of Corporate Publishing
- ISBN 391005269X: 1,2 & 3 Color Graphics 2
- ISBN 3910052711: Carter, Rob: WORKING WITH COMPUTER TYPE* Mit Abbildungen. Logos Geschäftsdrucksachen - Visuelle Kommunikation
- ISBN 391005272X: Graphic Design on a Limited Budget
- ISBN 3910052738: Cyber Design: Photography.: Computer manipulated photography.
- ISBN 9783910052734: Cyber Design: Photography.: Computer manipulated photography.
- ISBN 3910052746: Gerry Rosentswieg: Type Faces
- ISBN 3910052754: Event Flyer Graphics
- ISBN 3910052770: Nick Greco: Digitalink: Digital Design & Advertising
- ISBN 3910052800: Rockport Publishers Inc.: Letterhead and Logo Design 4 - Creating the corporate image - Englische Ausgabe
- ISBN 3910052819: Innovative Low Budget Design
- ISBN 3910052827: New Business Card Graphics
- ISBN 3910052835: Shopping Bag Graphics
- ISBN 3910052843: Cyber Design.: Computer Manipulatet Illustration.
- ISBN 391005286X: Donnelly, Daniel / Kai Krause: In your Face. The Best of Interactive Interface Design. CD-ROM Included. (in english)
- ISBN 3910052878: Rosentswieg, Gerry: The New Typographic Logo + The Newest Logo from California (SET)
- ISBN 9783910052871: Rosentswieg, Gerry: The New Typographic Logo + The Newest Logo from California (SET)
- ISBN 3910052886: Walton, Roger: Typographics 2: Cybertype
- ISBN 9783910052888: Walton, Roger: Typographics 2: Cybertype
- ISBN 3910052894: Walton, Roger: The art of typography from digital to dyeline.
- ISBN 3910052908: Business Publication Graphics Vol 2.
- ISBN 3910052916: Tomoe Nakazawa (Ed.).: one & two color graphics.
- ISBN 9783910052918: Tomoe Nakazawa (Ed.).: one & two color graphics.
- ISBN 3910052924: Supon Design Group: Absolutely Entertaining!: World of Entertainment Graphics The World of Entertainment Graphics (Die Welt der Unterhaltungs Graphik)
- ISBN 3910052932: Corporate Profile Graphics 2
- ISBN 9783910052932: Corporate Profile Graphics 2
- ISBN 3910052940: o. A.: New Typo Graphics, Vol.2.
- ISBN 3910052959: David Carter: Fun with Fonts
- ISBN 3910052967: Kathleen Ziegler, Nick Greco: Digital Focus
- ISBN 3910052975: Design Wise
- ISBN 3910052983: sakawa: home page design
- ISBN 3910052991: Digital Type: Digital Type
- ISBN 9783910052994: Digital Type: Digital Type