ISBN beginnend mit 9783931354
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3931354008: Peter Handke: Letzte Bilder? - Sine qua non /Final Images? - Sine qua non
- ISBN 3931354024: Kay Heymer, Wolfgang A. Hansbauer: W. A. Hansbauer, Callboy der Götter - [anläßlich der Ausstellung: W. A. Hansbauer, "Callboy der Götter", 15. September - 28. Oktober 1995, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354032: Francesco Clemente, Kay Heymer, Julian Schnabel: Julian Schnabel, the conversion of St. Paolo Malfi - the pink blouse that I like the most, pink paintings : [on the occasion of the Exhibition: Julian Schnabel, the Conversion of St. Paolo Malfi, the Pink Blouse That I Like the Most and Other Pink Paintings, November 10, 1995 - December 20, 1996, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354040: Grünbein, Durs; Slominski, Andreas: Andreas Slominski – Durs Grünbein, Mühlen/Denkmal für einen Fuss.
- ISBN 3931354059: Kay Heymer, Richard Prince: Richard Prince – Neue Bilder
- ISBN 3931354091: Fremont, Vincent; Rosenblum, Robert: Knives Paintings
- ISBN 3931354105: Bogin, Greg and Jablonka: Plastic - Fantastic - Interiors for Today - Greg Bogin
- ISBN 3931354113: Michael Lüthy, Kay Heymer, Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol, Modern Madonna - drawings ; [on the occasion of the exhibition Andy Warhol "Modern Madonna" at Jablonka-Galerie, June 4 through July 31, 1999]
- ISBN 3931354121: John Wieners, Kay Heymer, Francesco Clemente: Francesco Clemente, broken women - 21 pastels ; [on the occasion of the exhibition Francesco Clemente, Broken Women, June 4 - July 31, 1999, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 393135413X: Alex Katz, Kay Heymer, Vincent Katz: Alex Katz, smile again - paintings of the sixties ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Alex Katz, Smile Again, Paintings of the 60's, January 21 - March 4, 2000, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354148: Bob Colacello, Kay Heymer, Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol, headshots, drawings and paintings - [on the occasion of the Exhibition Andy Warhol, Headshots Portraits, Drawings of the 50's Paintings of the 70's and 80's at Jablonka-Galerie, May 5 - June 24, 2000]
- ISBN 3931354156: Andy Warhol: Duty Free
- ISBN 3931354164: Rafael Jablonka: Andreas Slominski - Wo sind die Skier? Where are the Skis?
- ISBN 3931354172: Miquel Barceló: L'Ours blessé – Span. /Engl.
- ISBN 3931354180: Robert Hullot-Kentor, Kay Heymer, David Salle: David Salle, ice flow - paintings and watercolors ; [on the occasion of the exhibition David Salle, Paintings and Watercolors, September 7 - October 27, 2001, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354199: Bruce W. Ferguson, Kay Heymer, Eric Fischl: Eric Fischl, "The bed, the chair ..." - paintings and works on paper ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Eric Fischl - Painting, Works on Paper, November 2 - December 8, 2001, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354210: Mike Kelley, Rafael Jablonka: Mike Kelley, memory ware - paintings and sculptures : [on the occasion of the exhibition Mike Kelley, Memory Ware, June 1 - September 14, 2001, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354229: Vincent Fremont, Kay Heymer, Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol - portrait drawings ; four paintings ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Andy Warhol - Portrait Drawings, April 10 - June 1, 2001, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354237: Kay Heymer, Francesco Clemente, Jean-Christophe Ammann, Robert Ricard: Francesco Clemente - portraits, self portraits ; [on the occasion of the exhibition Francesco Clemente, Self Portraits and Portraits, June 7 to August 10, 2002, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354245: Kay Heymer, Francesco Clemente, Francesco Pellizzi: Francesco Clemente - denim self portraits ; [on the occasion of the exhibition Francesco Clemente, Denim Self Portraits, June 1 to July 21, 2002, Kunst-Station St. Peter, Köln, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354253: Vincent Fremont, Dorothee Kemper, Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol, Diane Keaton portraits - [on the occasion of the Show Andy Warhol. Diane Keaton at the Art Basel, June 11 to 17, 2002]
- ISBN 3931354261: Roger Lipsey, Raymond Foye, Philip Taaffe: Philipp Taaffe - ten paintings ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Philip Taaffe, Zehn Bilder, October 30 - December 21, 2001, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354288: Nobuyoshi Araki, Bob Colacello, Kay Heymer, Andy Warhol: Andy Warhol, ladies & gentlemen, sex parts and torsos - polaroids ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Andy Warhol, Ladies & Gentlemen - Sex Parts and Torsos, Polaroids, October 29, 2003 - January 31, 2004 Jablonka-Galerie, Köln ; February 19 - May, 31, 2004 Galerie Vedovi, Brüssel]
- ISBN 3931354296: Rafael Jablonka: Francesco Clemente. Paintings and Watercolors – Engl. /Dt.
- ISBN 9783931354299: Rafael Jablonka: Francesco Clemente. Paintings and Watercolors – Engl. /Dt.
- ISBN 393135430X: Vincent Fremont: Andy Warhol's Small World – Drawings of Children and Dolls 1948-1985
- ISBN 9783931354305: Vincent Fremont: Andy Warhol's Small World – Drawings of Children and Dolls 1948-1985
- ISBN 3931354326: Rafael Jablonka: Eric Fischl – It's where I look... It's how I see... Their world, My world, The world
- ISBN 9783931354329: Rafael Jablonka: Eric Fischl – It's where I look... It's how I see... Their world, My world, The world
- ISBN 3931354334: Zdenek Felix, Kay Heymer, Enzo Cucchi: Enzo Cucchi - paintings and sculptures ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Enzo Cucchi, Paintings and Sculptures, September 16 - November 12, 2005, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 9783931354336: Zdenek Felix, Kay Heymer, Enzo Cucchi: Enzo Cucchi - paintings and sculptures ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Enzo Cucchi, Paintings and Sculptures, September 16 - November 12, 2005, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 3931354342: Rafael Jablonka: Eric Fischl. Dance – Sculpture and Watercolor
- ISBN 9783931354343: Rafael Jablonka: Eric Fischl. Dance – Sculpture and Watercolor
- ISBN 3931354369: Miquel Barcelo/Adam Zagajewski: Ceramicas/Ceramics
- ISBN 9783931354367: Miquel Barcelo/Adam Zagajewski: Ceramicas/Ceramics
- ISBN 9783931354398: Adam Zagajewski, Kay Heymer, Francesco Clemente: From the Terreiro - Francesco Clemente ; [on the occasion of the Exhibition Francesco Clemente, Atlantic Avenue Paintings, March 23 - May 19, 2007, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 9783931354404: Jonathan Safran Foer: Andy Warhol. Ten Portraits of Jews of the 20th Century. Collages – Essay by Jonathan Safran Foer
- ISBN 9783931354442: Craig E. Adcock, Hanne Tonger-Erk, James Rosenquist: James Rosenquist, the hole in the center of time - [on the occasion of the Exhibition James Rosenquist, the Hole in the Center of Time, September 5 - October 25, 2008, Jablonka-Galerie]
- ISBN 9783931354466: Levine, Sherrie: Crystal Skulls
- ISBN 9783931354480: Taaffe, Philip: Paintings/Drawings
- ISBN 9783931354497: Bleckner, Ross: Katalog zur Ausstellung 'Ross Bleckner - Birds, Brains and Flowers
- ISBN 9783931354527: Deacon, Richard: I remember
- ISBN 9783931354534: Schütte, Thomas: Ferienhaus T. Herausgegeben von Rafael und Teresa Jablonka.Text von Julian Heynen.
- ISBN 9783931354558: Levine, Sherrie: African Masks After Walker Evans
- ISBN 9783931354565: Bleckner, Ross / Böhm Chapel: Ross Bleckner - Architecture of the Sky,, Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung