ISBN beginnend mit 9783939767
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783939767008: Chris Vos: A Conchological Iconography. Loseblattausgabe – The Familly Tonnidae
- ISBN 9783939767015: Yves Terryn: A collectors guide to recent Terebridae (Mollusca: Neogastropoda)
- ISBN 9783939767039: Koen Fraussen: A Conchological Iconography. Loseblattausgabe / The Family Buccinidae – The Genus Neptunea
- ISBN 9783939767046: Jens Hemmen: Critical Check-List of the Land- and Freshwater Mollusks of Taiwan (Republic of China) /Kritische Liste der Land- und Süßwasser-Mollusken Taiwans (Republic of China)
- ISBN 9783939767053: Karl-Heinz Beckmann: Die Land- und Süßwassermollusken der Balearischen Inseln
- ISBN 9783939767077: Hartmut Nordsieck: Worldwide door snails (Clausiliidae) - recent and fossil
- ISBN 9783939767084: Guido T. Poppe: Philippine Marine Mollusks – Vol. I (Gastropoda - Part 1)
- ISBN 9783939767091: Alain Robin: Encyclopedia of Marine Gastropods
- ISBN 9783939767138: Klaus-Jürgen Götting: Meeres-Gehäuseschnecken Deutschlands – Bestimmungsschlüssel, Lebensweise, Verbreitung
- ISBN 9783939767145: Manuel J Tenorio: A Conchological Iconography. Loseblattausgabe / The Family Conidae [2] – The South African species of Conus
- ISBN 9783939767152: Jean P Pointier: Guide to the Freshwater molluscs of the Lesser Antilles
- ISBN 9783939767169: Pierre Lozouet: Mangrove environments and molluscs – Ataban river, Bohol and Panglao, Central Philippines
- ISBN 9783939767176: Guido T Poppe: Philippine marine mollusks: Vol. 2., Gastropoda. - Pt. 2
- ISBN 9783939767183: Guido T Poppe: Philippine Marine Mollusks, Vol. III – Gastropoda Part 3 & Bivalvia Part 1
- ISBN 9783939767206: Yves Terryn: The Terebridae of Vanuatu, with a revision of the genus Granuliterebra Oyama, 1961
- ISBN 9783939767213: Felix Lorenz: The living Ovulidae – A manual of the families of allied cowries: Ovulidae, Pediculariidae and Eocypraeidae
- ISBN 9783939767220: Christian Hunon: Olividae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) - revue exhaustive des espèces récentes du genre Oliva
- ISBN 9783939767237: Marco Chiapponi: News on cowries and their allies – Seven contributions to the knowledge of fossil and Recent Cypraeidae, Eocypraeidae and Pediculariidae
- ISBN 9783939767244: Rudie H. Kuiter: World Atlas of Marine Fauna – Selected non-sessile marine invertebrates from around the world, beautifully illustrated with thousands of photographs
- ISBN 9783939767251: Guido T Poppe: New species of Mitridae and Costellariidae from the Philippines – with additional information on the Philippine species of these families
- ISBN 9783939767268: John K Tucker: Systematic classification of Recent and fossil conoidean gastropods – With keys to the genera of cone shells
- ISBN 9783939767275: Philippe Bouchet: Nomenclator of bivalve families
- ISBN 9783939767282: Markus Huber: Compendium of bivalves: Compendium of bivalves
- ISBN 9783939767299: Guido T Poppe: Philippine marine mollusks: Vol. 4., Bivalvia. - Pt. 2, Scaphopoda, Polyplacophora, Cephalopoda & Addenda
- ISBN 9783939767312: Patrice Bail: A Conchological Iconography. Loseblattausgabe / The Family Volutidae – The Endemic Far East Asian Subfamily Fulgorariinae Pilsbry & Olsson, 1954. A Revison of the Recent Species.
- ISBN 9783939767329: Didier Merle: Fossil and Recent Muricidae of the World – Part Muricinae
- ISBN 9783939767336: Mike Severns: Shells of the Hawaiian Islands – The Sea Shells and The Land Shells
- ISBN 9783939767343: Mike Severns: Shells of the Hawaiian Islands – The Land Shells
- ISBN 9783939767350: Mike Severns: Shells of the Hawaiian Islands – The Sea Shells
- ISBN 9783939767374: Peter Wirtz: Fischführer: Madeira - Kanaren - Azoren
- ISBN 9783939767381: Axel Alf: A Conchological Iconography – The Family Turbinidae, subfamily Turbininae, genus Turbo, Supplement 1
- ISBN 9783939767398: Axel Alf: A Conchological Iconography – The Family Turbinidae, subfamilies Turbininae (excl. Turbo) & Prisogasterinae
- ISBN 9783939767404: Alain Robin: Encyclopedia of marine bivalves - Scaphopoda, Polyplacophora and Cephalopoda
- ISBN 9783939767428: Manuel Jimenez Tenorio: A Conchological Iconography – The Families Conilithidae and Conidae – The Cones of the Eastern Pacific
- ISBN 9783939767435: Daniel L. Geiger: Abalone: Worldwide Haliotidae
- ISBN 9783939767442: Winfried Engl: Shells of Antarctica
- ISBN 9783939767459: Jean-Pierre Barbier: News on Conidae – Five contributions to the knowledge of cones and report on the first cone meeting
- ISBN 9783939767466: Hartmut Nordsieck: News on Chinese Door Snails – Three Contributions to the Systematics and Taxonomy of Chinese Clausiliidae
- ISBN 9783939767473: Koen Fraussen: A Conchological Iconography – The Family Babyloniidae
- ISBN 9783939767480: Koen Fraussen: A Conchological Iconography. The Family Babyloniidae
- ISBN 9783939767497: Peter W. Schultz: Revision of the Wordwide Recent Pinnidae and some Remarks on Fossil European Pinnidae
- ISBN 9783939767527: Helmut Debelius: Indian Ocean Reef Guide – Maldives - Sri Lanka - Thailand - South Africa - Mauritius - Madagascar - East Africa - Seychelles
- ISBN 9783939767534: Jan A. Buijse: On the identity of Casmaria species with descriptions of two new species
- ISBN 9783939767541: Jing He: The Freshwater Bivalves of China
- ISBN 9783939767558: Virgilio Liverani: A Conchological Iconography – The Superfamily Stromboidea: Addenda and Corrigenda
- ISBN 9783939767565: Guido T. Poppe: 1000 shells: 1000 shells
- ISBN 9783939767572: José Liétor: Guía Variabilidad intraespecífica de las conchas del género Iberus Montfort, 1810 del sur de la Península Ibérica
- ISBN 9783939767589: Jing He: Shells on Stamps
- ISBN 9783939767596: Roland Houart: Living muricidae of the world: Muricinae : Murex, Promurex, Haustellum, Bolinus, Vokesimurex and Siratus
- ISBN 9783939767602: Dr. Felix Lorenz: Monograph of the Genus Pustularia (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae)
- ISBN 9783939767619: Jean-Pierre Pointier: Freshwater Molluscs of Venezuela and their Medical and Veterinary Importance
- ISBN 9783939767626: Don Pisor: Sea and Land Shells of the Don Pisor Collection – Color, Form, Shape
- ISBN 9783939767633: Markus Huber: Compendium of Bivalves 2 – A Full-Color Guide to the Remaining Seven Families. A Systematic Listing of 8'500 Bivalve Species and 10'500 Synonyms
- ISBN 9783939767640: Edward J. Petuch: Cone Shells of the Okeechobean Sea – Pliocene, Pleistocene
- ISBN 9783939767657: Axel Alf: Mittelmeer-Mollusken – Prosobranchia & Bivalvia
- ISBN 9783939767664: Dirk Fehse: Contributions to the Knowledge of Triviidae
- ISBN 9783939767671: Patrice Bail: The Eastern Australian Cymbiola Swainson, 1831 – New Revision of the Subgenus Cymbiolacca Iredale, 1929. The "Pulchra Complex" 1998 updated
- ISBN 9783939767701: Thomas E. Eichhorst: Neritidae of the World – Volume 1
- ISBN 9783939767718: Oliver Fowler: Seashells of the Kenya Coast
- ISBN 9783939767725: Gilbert Verbinnen: Cassidae - An Amazing Family of Seashells
- ISBN 9783939767732: Dirk Fehse: Revision of the Genus Triviella Jousseaume, 1884 (Mollusca, Gastropoda) – Contribution to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XXX
- ISBN 9783939767749: Michael L. Zettler: Marine and freshwater Amphipoda from the Baltic Sea and adjacent territories
- ISBN 9783939767756: Alberto Cecalupo: Cerithiopsidae and Newtoniellidae (Gastropoda: Triphoroidea) from New Caledonia, Western Pacific
- ISBN 9783939767763: Thomas E. Eichhorst: Neritidae of the World – Volume 2
- ISBN 9783939767787: Dirk Fehse: Contributions to the Knowledge of Triviidae
- ISBN 9783939767794: Klaus Kittel: Die Weichtierfauna mittelalterlicher und frühneuzeitlicher Ruinen Unterfrankens
- ISBN 9783939767800: Daniel Mallard: Recent Fasciolariidae
- ISBN 9783939767817: Hartmut Nordsieck: Pulmonata, Stylommatophora, Helicoidea: Systematics with Comments
- ISBN 9783939767824: Stephan G. Veldsman: Taxonomic Notes and Discussions on the Genus Marginella
- ISBN 9783939767831: New Taxa of Cowries (Gastopoda: Cypraeidae)
- ISBN 9783939767848: Guido T. Poppe: Philippine Marine Mollusks, Vol. V
- ISBN 9783939767862: G. Thomas Watters: A Preliminary Review of the Nominal Genus Villosa of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) in North America
- ISBN 9783939767879: Felix Lorenz: Cowries: Volume 1., Biology and systematics
- ISBN 9783939767886: Felix Lorenz: Cowries: Volume 2., Shells and animals
- ISBN 9783939767916: Eric Monnier: A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae – Volume 1
- ISBN 9783939767923: Eric Monnier: A Taxonomic Iconography of Living Conidae – Volume 2
- ISBN 9783939767930: Peter Neu: Distribution Atlas of European Trichoptera
- ISBN 9783939767947: Alberto Cecalupo: New species of Cerithiopsidae (Gastropoda: Triphoroidea) from Papua New Guinea (Pacific Ocean)
- ISBN 9783939767954: Michel Balleton: Conidae from French Polynesia
- ISBN 9783939767961: Klaus Kittel: The Genus Albinaria Vest 1867 in Crete – A comprehensive and updated survey of all known taxa (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae)
- ISBN 9783939767985: Alberto Cecalupo: New Species of Cerithiopsidae and Newtoniellidae from Okinawa (Japan - Pacific Ocean)
- ISBN 9783939767992: Sandro Gori: News on Costellariidae (Gastropoda: Muricoidea)