ISBN beginnend mit 9783954890
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783954890002: Anita Theis: A forecast on the development of the 3D TV market in the US: Will 3D TVs become the next big thing in our living rooms?
- ISBN 9783954890019: Carola Katharina Bauer: Naughty Girls and Gay Male Romance/Porn: Slash Fiction, Boys’ Love Manga, and Other Works by Female “Cross-Voyeurs” in the U.S. Academic Discourses
- ISBN 9783954890026: Patrick Daum: International synergy management: A strategic approach for raising efficiencies in the cross-border interaction process
- ISBN 9783954890040: Burkhard Freiherr von Wangenheim: Survival trees - a new method in innovation theory: A successful introduction of a method commonly used in survival analysis into the field of innovation diffusion theory
- ISBN 9783954890057: David A. Pieper: Core-Real Estate Investments in times of crisis: Exemplified by the Frankfurt and London office market
- ISBN 9783954890064: Philipp Pachler: How collages reveal your deepest thoughts: A guide to consumers' minds
- ISBN 9783954890071: Felix Christoph Lotzin: The Emperor on the Battlefield: Napoleon's Worth as a Military Commander
- ISBN 9783954890095: Ram Prasad Sharma: How students select higher secondary schools? A case study in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- ISBN 9783954890101: Annika Witzel: This is what they tell US: The US Printing Press on the 2011 Revolution in Egypt
- ISBN 9783954890118: Jan-David Blaese: International institutions and the power of the EU: How has it been affected by the financial crisis?
- ISBN 9783954890132: Jan Becker: Making Money with statistical Arbitrage: Generating Alpha in sideway Markets with this Option Strategy
- ISBN 9783954890149: Mauel Müller: Crossing Borders: European Cooperation for success
- ISBN 9783954890156: Sarah-Mailin Janotta: Loyalty cards in the apparel industry in Germany and Spain: Is the implementation of a global marketing approach reasonable when operating both in a Southern and a Northern European country?
- ISBN 9783954890163: Peter Matata: Environmental Law Regulations of Pesticide Usage: Challenges of Enforcement and Compliance in the Shinyanga Region, Tanzania
- ISBN 9783954890170: Boris Urbanek: Safe take-off with runway analyses
- ISBN 9783954890187: Jochen Adler: Examining Contributions to a Corporate Microblog as a Basis for an Employee Incentive System
- ISBN 9783954890194: Astrid Ernst: In the Twilight of Patriarchal Culture: The Struggle for Female Identity in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga
- ISBN 9783954890217: Gordon Friedrichs: Smart Security Council? Analyzing the effectiveness of targeted sanctions
- ISBN 9783954890224: Ricarda Röleke: Social Inclusion and Integrated Service Delivery: Children’s Centres and Ethnic Minorities
- ISBN 9783954890231: Vedad Alihodzic: Brand Identity Factors: Developing a Successful Islamic Brand
- ISBN 9783954890248: Michael Schmid: Did Desert Shield lead to Desert Hate? A Case Study of Anti-Americanism in Saudi Arabia
- ISBN 9783954890255: Rickson Joseph: Service Delivery through Information Systems in TANROADS: Challenges and Possibilities in Dar Es Salaam and Mwanza
- ISBN 9783954890262: Kenan Kaya: ARGE – construction partnership in Germany: legal issues in cooperation of different engineering firms
- ISBN 9783954890279: Silke Friedrich: Queens of Crime: American and British female detective novels over the course of time
- ISBN 9783954890286: Charles Harrison: Difficulties of translating humour: From English into Spanish using the subtitled British comedy sketch show "Little Britain" as a case study
- ISBN 9783954890309: Irini Varvouzou: Capital Market Anomalies: Explained by human´s irrationality
- ISBN 9783954890323: Kim Vahnenbruck: Fictions of New York: The City as Metaphor in Selected American Texts
- ISBN 9783954890330: Manuel Jockenhöfer: How to promote entrepreneurship within established companies? Human Resource Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship
- ISBN 9783954890347: Alexandra Griesing: Harriet Beecher Stowe´s Uncle Tom´s Cabin: The Creation and influence of a masterpiece
- ISBN 9783954890354: Edward Darnell: Leading successful changes in your business: Peakmake – A new model combining change management and change leadership
- ISBN 9783954890361: Matthias Boeing: Analysis of Cultural Differences and their Effects on Marketing Products in the United States of America and Germany: A Cultural Approach to Marketing using Edward T. Hall and Geert Hofstede
- ISBN 9783954890378: Pietro Salvo: Wearable technologies for sweat rate and conductivity sensors: design and principles
- ISBN 9783954890385: Meike Bruch: Horse-based Tourism in Iceland – An analysis of the travel motivation of equestrian tourists
- ISBN 9783954890392: Sebastian Kleinschmager: Aspect-Oriented Programming evaluated: A Study on the Impact that Aspect-Oriented Programming can have on Software Development Productivity
- ISBN 9783954890408: Sebastian Kleinschmager: Can static type systems speed up programming? An experimental evaluation of static and dynamic type systems
- ISBN 9783954890415: Nicholas K. Lory: On the accusation of negativity in Nietzsche’s ethics: A refutation
- ISBN 9783954890422: Hira Aftab: A study to explore the extend to which Counter Productive Work Behavior is a shaped by Job Stress: Facts from the Financial Sector of Pakistan
- ISBN 9783954890439: Jitendra Jain: Harmonization of International Competition Laws: Pros and Cons
- ISBN 9783954890446: Marina Boonyaprasop: Hawthorne’s Wilderness: Nature and Puritanism in Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and “Young Goodman Brown"
- ISBN 9783954890453: Thomas Kamps: Systematic Chasing for Economic Success: An Innovation Management Approach for German SME's in Drive Technology Business
- ISBN 9783954890460: Edmund Benjamin-Addy: The Banking Sector in Ghana: Issues in relation to Current Reforms
- ISBN 9783954890484: Silvance Onyango Abeka: Corporate customers acceptance of Internet banking: A case study of East African Trade Finance customers
- ISBN 9783954890491: Tina Peissker: The Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries: The Case of National Disaster Management in Bangladesh and Pakistan in Comparative Perspective
- ISBN 9783954890507: Christiane Mohr: Selling the Business Location: Place Marketing in the context of the Rhine-Main Region
- ISBN 9783954890521: Lewlyn L. R. Rodrigues: Service Quality Measurement: Issues and Perspectives
- ISBN 9783954890538: John Rabuogi Ahere: The Paradox that is Diplomatic Recognition: Unpacking the Somaliland Situation
- ISBN 9783954890545: Florian Smeritschnig: WOW and SkyTeam Cargo: An In-depth Analysis of Strategic Alliances for Air Cargo Carriers and The Impact on Cargo Airlines’ Operations and Success
- ISBN 9783954890552: Fabian Reichert: You Vote What You Read? News Coverage before the two Irish Referendums on the Lisbon Treaty
- ISBN 9783954890569: Irina Prodan: The effect of weather on stock returns: A comparison between emerging and developed markets
- ISBN 9783954890576: Rainer Holl: The Narrative Game: The Reading of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest as Play
- ISBN 9783954890583: Natalia Voinova: The Cold War in Science Fiction: Soviet and American Science Fiction Films in the 1950s
- ISBN 9783954890590: Stefan Krammer: How to analyze and compare scenarios? Evaluation of scenarios dealing with the future of our energy system: DESERTEC, EU-Roadmap 2050, Greenpeace [R]evolution, World Energy Outlook & Shell Energy Scenarios
- ISBN 9783954890606: Joe Majerus: The Decision to employ Nuclear Weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- ISBN 9783954890613: Jörg Ziesak: The Dark Side of Personalization: Online Privacy Concerns influence Customer Behavior
- ISBN 9783954890620: Ismail Luwangula: Teachers‘ ICT Skills for Pedagogical Integration in a Developing Country: Discripancy between Policy and Practice
- ISBN 9783954890637: Benjamin Günther: The cultural aspects of MINT recruitment: How to overcome the skills shortage by understanding graduates' needs
- ISBN 9783954890644: Alina Degünther: Good and Evil in Shakespeare´s King Lear and Macbeth
- ISBN 9783954890651: Markus Beck: The Renewable Energy Directive and the challenges for the Biodiesel Industry: Insigths into a dynamic and opaque industry
- ISBN 9783954890668: Javeria Niazi: Cost of Floods on Pakistan’s Economy
- ISBN 9783954890675: Leila Fielding: Female Genocidaires During the Rwandan Genocide: When women kill
- ISBN 9783954890682: Marie Schneider: Computer Games in the EFL Classroom
- ISBN 9783954890699: Christian Schießl: Value Stocks beat Growth Stocks: An empirical Analysis for the German Stock Market
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- ISBN 9783954890712: Hauke Klevinghaus: The Samurai preparing for the Dragon´s Attack? Normative Drivers and Strategic Foundations of Japan´s Security Cooperation with Australia and the United States
- ISBN 9783954890729: Jane Jurkscheit: An analysis of the success factors in implementing an ITIL-based IT Change and Release Management Application: Based on the IBM Change and Configuration Management Database (CCMDB)
- ISBN 9783954890743: Sarah Herz: Green power already out of breath? Why do German consumers not switch to green electricity?
- ISBN 9783954890750: Dominik Piehlmaier: Irrational and Overrated: Is our Unrealistic Self-Perception connected to Educational Achievements?
- ISBN 9783954890774: Ali Raheem: An Investigaton into Authetication security of GSM algorithm for Mobile Banking
- ISBN 9783954890781: Marvin Nii Ankrah: Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Case of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)
- ISBN 9783954890798: Ozan Tekin: Factories of Memory: Cinematic Representations of the 12 September Military Coup
- ISBN 9783954890804: Katharina Okon: Teaching English effectively: with special focus on learners’ interests
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- ISBN 9783954890828: Jean-Baptiste Flanc: Valuation of Internet Start-ups: An Applied Research on How Venture Capitalists value Internet Start-ups
- ISBN 9783954890842: Neelam Dewangan: A detailed Study of 4G in Wireless Communication: Looking insight in issues in OFDM
- ISBN 9783954890859: Ullrich Müller: Black Gold, Black Swans: The importance of the unexpected for the future of energy
- ISBN 9783954890866: Patrick Schrott: Strategies of German Car Companies in China
- ISBN 9783954890873: Milena Bubenechik: The Trauma of Colonial Condition: in Nervous Conditions and Kiss of the Fur Queen
- ISBN 9783954890880: Andreas Sossong: Institutional Asset Management: How are professional investors affected by legislature and corporate governance?
- ISBN 9783954890897: Janine Franke: Teach it in English! Implementing English in the Political Classroom
- ISBN 9783954890903: Judith Zylla-Woellner: Quota for women in management positions? An analysis of the implementation of the women's quota in Germany
- ISBN 9783954890910: Julien Schnerrer: The Effect of Solution Transition on Steering the Sales Force: For New Marketing and Sales Metrics
- ISBN 9783954890927: Steffen Blomberg: The realisation of offshore wind park projects in Germany - political environment, legal framework and bankability implications
- ISBN 9783954890934: Akampurira Abraham: Performance Appraisal
- ISBN 9783954890941: Akampurira Abraham: Microeconomics: An Aspect of Development
- ISBN 9783954890958: Akasha, Mohamed Osman: DARFUR: A TRAGEDY OF CLIMATE CHANGE
- ISBN 9783954890965: Getnet Eshetu: Involving Children For Hand Washing Behavior Change: Repeated Message Delivery to Foster Action
- ISBN 9783954890972: Christine Phiri Mushibwe: What are the Effects of Cultural Traditions on the Education of women? (The Study of the Tumbuka People of Zambia)
- ISBN 9783954890989: Julian Traublinger: Boat Refugees in the Mediterranean: Tackle the Root Causes or Build Fortress Europe?
- ISBN 9783954890996: Stefanie Eck: Galatea's Emancipation: The Transformation of the Pygmalion Myth in Anglo-Saxon Literature since the 20th Century