ISBN 8845243044 – Buch gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen
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Renaissance Venice and the North - Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer, and Titian
Aikema, Bernard / Brown, Beverly Louise
, 1999, SoftcoverISBN: 8845243044
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
Renaissance Venice and the North Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer and Titian
Milan Bompiani
, 1999.ISBN: 8845243044
Zustand: gebraucht; sehr gut

Renaissance Venice and the North. Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer and Titian.
Aikema Bernard, Brown, Beverly Louise
Milan Bompiani
, 1999, SoftcoverISBN: 8845243044
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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Renaissance Venice and the North. Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer and Titian. - aa.vv.
, Unbekannter EinbandISBN: 8845243044
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
19,89 €
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Renaissance Venice and the North Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer, and Titian *.
Spätmittelalter/Renaissance/Italien/Venetien/Venedig/Malerei/Graphik/Kirchenkunst/Kunstgeschichte/Künstlermonographien/Werkübersicht/Religion/Theologie/Aufträge/Ausstellungen - Aikema (Edited by), Bernard and Beverly Louise Brown
Milano, Bompiani Edizioni
, 1999.ISBN: 8845243044
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
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Renaissance Venice and the North. Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer and Titian.
Aikema, Bernard and Beverly Louise Brown
Milano: Bompiani
, 1999.ISBN: 8845243044
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Renaissance Venice and the North. Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer and Titian.
Aikema, Bernard and Beverly Louise Brown
, 1999.ISBN: 8845243044
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Renaissance Venice and the North. Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Dürer and Titian.
Bildende Kunst - Bernard Aikema Beverly Louise Brown and Giovanna Nepi Scire
, 1999.ISBN: 8845243044
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Renaissance Venice and the North Crosscurrents in the Time of Bellini, Durer, and Titian.
Aikema, Bernard and Beverly Louise [editors] Brown
, 1999.ISBN: 8845243044
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